Monday, October 5, 2015

HGBF 1/144 Crossbone Gundam X1 Full Cloth Ver. GBFT WIP 1

Well, here goes my first post, dedicated to the.....

This is my first ever crossbone gundam hehe... okay no it is not actually mine but rather my friend's, who has asked me to help him assemble and paint this little guy.

Frankly speaking, I really do like the vibe of this gundam, with a truly badass crossbow and the cape around it (is it called the cape...?). However, I am not too terribly impressed with the pearl white that Bandai came up with hmmmmm.

Anyways, after searching through Google, my friend has insisted on me following the colour scheme of this crossbone gundam below:

... and hey that is really an impressive crossbone gundam! I really loved the colour scheme at first glance, and it gave off this dark and lethal feel to the gundam which I believe fits the image of a pirate really well.

Kudos to the modeler Raishin for this really wonderful colour scheme, and I sincerely apologise to my viewers and the original modeler if I seem to be copying Raishin's work (my friend insisted on using this colour scheme after much discussion)

and so, I began unboxing the gundam and slowly cutting and sanding the pieces down. I hope that this gundam will help me with the basics again, such as nub removal.

I would also be painting the main body of the gundam first before I even start on the weapons at all because I want to see how the gundam looks like overall with the new colour scheme.

aaaand so, this is how the parts look like after sanding them down and removing those little nubs (pardon the really cheap outlook of how i separate them, as well as the prominent pink energy shield at the top)

Progress is unfortunately slow due to work commitments in the day :( but I do hope to start on the priming and painting tomorrow.

Well that was a really short post but I guess it was mainly to put up some idea on how this piece of work came about.

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