Wednesday, October 7, 2015

HGBF 1/144 Crossbone Gundam X1 Full Cloth Ver. GBFT WIP 2

ahhh... and so painting begins (I started yesterday actually)

I put the parts on these crocodile clip sticks that I have. These sticks are really useful hehe... The parts that I am going to paint first would be those that will end up as the metallic black parts in the final model:

well, before painting the first step would of course be to prime the parts! i prime with an airbrush, using Mr Surfacer 1200

 and yay i am quite satisfied with the nub mark removal ^^ I really feel that this project will help me go back to my basics again haha. Well it is a great feeling indeed.

Before starting to spray the parts, I thought that it would be safer to first test the color out on a primed plastic spoon... so this is how it looks like:

That actually worked out pretty well :)))
and so the spraying on the parts begin:
A  close-up shot on the chestpiece

I really do like the shine of this paint!

 Well the color did work out pretty well, although i do have some learning points from this project so far:

  • The paint-thinner ratio might need to be adjusted to make sure the paint does not flow too much. I guess this applies especially to metallic paints, where the metallic pigments can flow quite a bit
  • when using metallic paints there is a need to constantly use the "stir" the mixture in the airbrush cup (i simply cover the nozzle and pull the lever). Otherwise the denser metallic pigments might flow to the bottom of the cup and a lot of it will come out at once, leaving the remaining paint less metallic!
Hmm and there goes the completion for (most of) the metallic black parts! :)

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